November 1944

RG331 10504/128/2 Correspondence Files Vol 2 of 2 Aug 1944-Dec 1944




4 December 1944
SUBJECT: Monthly Report – November
TO: HQ Lazio-Umbria region

A) Political Reactions and Popular Opinion: The situation continues to be satisfactory. The parties collaborate well together and relation between the Committee of Liberation, the Provincial administration and AMG are extremely cordial, and the Committee of Liberation is in the position envisaged in HQ ACC’s letter 95/R/CA of 21 Oct 44.
A report on the Defasciatization in the province was furnished to Regional HQ and efforts are being made to assist the local Italian officials in taking the proceedings provided for under the epuration decrees.
B) Local Government: The Prefect is efficient and co-operative and I am in complete agreement with the proposal of the Italian Government to change his position from Prefetto Reggente to Prefetto. The administration is handicapped by the failure of the Italian government to send the necessary officials. The Prefettura has asked for 2 consiglieri and 2 secretaries. None have arrived. The Questura asked for 5 Commissarios. Two have reported.
C) Economic Resources and Supply: the crushing of the olive oil crop has been delayed, and some disorganisation of flour milling has occurred through an interruption in the supply of electricity.
The shortage of salt (300 grammes per month have been issued), and the absence of fats are still matters of general discontent throughout the Province. Efforts are being made to secure salt by means of our own transport from the nearest available sources.
To ensure an equitable distribution of newsprint throughout Italy, all local papers (with the exception of the semi-official Corriere di Perugia) have been suspended.
D) Agriculture: 6112 tons of wheat were exported to Rome, an average of 210 tons daily. Total exports to Rome to date are 121.121,13 qtls.
4028 pigs and 128 cattle were also exported. The grain amassed is 817.319 qtls, and already the total for the 1943/44 harvest.
E) Labor: There is great difficulty in making collective contracts for workers wages, indemnity for the Carovita and Assegni Familiari and keeping within the limits fixed by Administrative Memo No 47. This is the subject of a separate report.
F) Public Works and Utilities: The amount of electricity which was available was 3520 kilo-watts. This was strictly rationed. On 20 Nov the 2300 kilo-watts coming from Terni were diverted to Florence, who now get 15,000 kilo-watts.
Even before this reduction as at 20 Nov lack of adequate electricity was hampering the necessary production of bricks, tiles and many other essential articles, and this reduction brings to a standstill industrial reactivation, threatens the success of the olive oil production, and generally creates a very critical situation.
Vigorous efforts are being made with the assistance of the regional electricity officer and the army, to secure a fairer distribution of electricity between Terni and Perugia, but the most necessary action needed is to secure part of the electricity now diverted to Florence back to this Province.
G) Public Safety and Functioning of Courts: The institution of a network of 30 road blocks has increased the detection of the number of black market offences, but otherwise the detection of crime in the Province normal.
The presence of large numbers of troops in winter quarters has not led to any appreciable increase of crime.
A Committee has been formed and has started work to deal with enquiries under the Fascist Sanctions Decree.
A separate Committee has been examining the cases of political detainees. It has made recommendations in 161 cases, of whom 93 are recommended to stand trial and 43 to be detained in C.C.
Systematic inspection of Carabinieri has been carried out and there is a noticeable improvement in their efficiency. Their morale will be still further improved when the promised issue of greatcoats and boots is made. Great attention is paid to this problem. A continued improvement is reported in the Questura.
H) Public Health and Welfare: Col. SELBY has been put in charge of this division.
Public Health remains good.
There is a shortage of medicines for sale in chemists’ shops.
Efforts are being made to relieve hardships suffered in cases where destitute persons find difficulty in getting assistance. The American, Red Cross is not functioning yet in this Province.
I) Education: The large number of troops in the Province has created a problem; and with approval of the Regional Education, Officer all schools will be closed from about 15 Dec 44 until 1 Mar 45.
J) Refugees: The presence of large numbers of troops in the area made it necessary to speed up the evacuation of refugees to the south. and arrangements have been made for their evacuation from Gubbio, Città di Castello and Umbertide.
K) Communications: 31 bridges have been completed under provincial supervision. 117 are under construction, and 398 surveyed.
Approximately 165 miles of military roads, and approximately 160 miles of other roads are under repair.
Clearance of debris is still in progress, notably at FOLIGNO.
A campaign to rebuild communal roads and bridges has been inaugurated.
L) Property Control: During the month four properties have been legally reconsigned to their resident owners; and twelve cases of control have been closed.
M) Finance: It is estimated that the financing of the olive oil crop processing will require 138.000.000 lire.
30 Communes presented their budgets for the quarter Oct-Dec, and so far advances to six have been approved.
The accounts of the province for the month of Oct showed a deficit of 1.995.523,72 lire, due mainly to the reconstruction of bridges, roads etc. amounting to 1.900.000 lire and payments on behalf of State Railways and Education 11.000,000 lire, the normal deficit thus being 9.552.372 lire.
163 Post offices received advances during the month, for amounts totalling 20.774.075 lire.
The A.M.G. expenses for the month were 1.422.726 lire.
N) General: Lt.Col. Howard has gone back to England and Major Mosley to Toscana; both are greatly missed.
The following officers have reported for duty:
Capt. SPRIGGS Public Works
Capt. HAY Grain export
Capt. McCULLOUGH Regional Transport Officer
Lt NICOSSI Rail Transport Officer
Lt Col SMITH C.A.O. Perugia city
Col SELBY Public Health, Welfare & Education.
Capt. GODBOLD is still in hospital.


Library-archives > The Allies (1943-1945) > Monthly Reports > November 1944