Allied military government documents (Register)

The Fondazione Ranieri di Sorbello has copies of an extensive documentation that the Allied Military Government (AMG) drew up during the months of its activity in the province of Perugia, from June 1944 to May 1945. Parts of the documents cover the military events surrounding the advance of the Allies in Umbria and Central Italy.

Copies of all the documents retrieved by the British historian Roger Absalom – both those used for his book and all those remaining (in all about 500) – were given to the Fondazione Ranieri di Sorbello; in 2001 these documents have been listed and described in a special register.

A set of these documents, the Monthly Reports, are available both in hardcopy, in electronic format and via the Web.

Library-archives > The Allies (1943-1945) > Allied military government documents (Register)