
The Fondazione Ranieri di Sorbello was established in Perugia on April 2012.

The Foundation is a nonprofit organization and pursues aims that are exclusively in the public interest, promoting knowledge of the cultural heritage, also through the supporting of restoration actions, through the following activities:
– the enhancement and promotion (in compliance with Leg. Decree 22 January 2004, no. 42 and subsequent amendments and/or riders), the collection, preservation and dissemination of the cultural heritage, and of cultural, historical and environmental assets and knowledge;
– the study and research of the historical and cultural heritage of Italy and in particular of Perugia and Umbria, with a priority interest in library and archival collections, vintage articles and art works and collections belonging to the Ranieri di Sorbello family and to other families that are related or in some way traceable to the historical/territorial events of the Ranieri di Sorbello family.

In pursuing its aims the Foundation may establish education and training activities; research projects; the creation and/or operation of museums and a house museum; the creation and/or organization and/or management of exhibition facilities and/or events; publishing activities and/or the promotion of conferences and seminars, including at an international level.

Mission statement
