Call for papers / Call for posters (ENGLISH)

International Conference House Museums:

The Owners and their art collections.
Comparing experiences.

Palazzo di Sorbello House Museum
Perugia April 18th – 20th, 2012
Organized by :
The Fondazione Ranieri di Sorbello

After a long process of documentation, preservation and restoration of the heritage of the noble family of the Marchesi Ranieri di Sorbello, the Fondazione Ranieri di Sorbello officially opened to the public the Palazzo di Sorbello House Museum in 2010. The Foundation aims to organize in Perugia an international conference House Museums. The Owners and their art collections. Comparing experiences about the creation, the evolution and current issues related to house museums. For this purpose a Standing Committee was appointed, which includes members of the main local institutions (the Regione Umbria, the University of Perugia, the Direzione Regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici dell’Umbria, the Comune di Perugia and others).

The conference will take place in three days:  on Wednesday, April 18th, 2012 in the afternoon, on Thursday April 19th, 2012 the full day and on Friday 20th April, 2012 in the morning.

Call for Papers:

The event will take place in three sessions:

On the afternoon of  Wednesday, April 18th 2012 the focus will be on: “From the art collections of aristocratic family owners to the creation of House Museums: a general perspective” Brief papers of a general nature should provide a historical profile of national and international house museums of various types.
The House Museums in question are “palaces and houses where generations of the same family or families have lived and left a lasting mark of their own story” (cit. “House Museums in Italy”, by Rosanna Pavoni, Gangemi Ed., 2010). These buildings should be partially or totally turned into museums and regularly open to the public.

On Thursday, April 19th 2012 the discussion will focus on: “House museums and household owners“, presenting case studies and short historical reports. Case studies on House Museums originating from the household owners of the house where the museum was established should analyze the relationship between the owners, the collections, the opening to the public and the museum display.

In the morning of Friday 20th April, 2012 the discussion will focus on: “Managing house museums“. The session will examine current issues of House Museums management, the relationship with the public, the coexistence of the permanent collection with temporary exhibitions, issues concerning the preservation of house museums according to the legislations of the countries where they are located.

The structure of the paper should include a brief introduction, a central argument, results and conclusions. Please send an abstract (maximum 500 words) and a curriculum vitae by November 10, 2011.

Please send your contributions to the following email address: Please specify in the object of your message the session you apply for.

The Scientific Committee will select the abstracts of your contributions on the basis of their originality and their relevance to the topic.

Call for posters:

The Conference House Museums. The Owners and their art collections. Comparing experience will also have a section devoted to posters.

Houses Museums intending to promote themselves through posters are invited to participate. The posters are intended as a showcase to share with the participants. The structure of the poster should make evident the division between the introduction, the central argument, results and conclusions. Unlike a traditional paper, however, posters should display a good balance between text and images. Posters will be accepted with the dimensions of 100 cm (height) x 70 cm (width). At the same time, appropriate font sizes should be used to ensure an easy reading. It is recommended to place the name of the author/s, institution/s and email address/es under the title. Figures, diagrams, tables and graphs must be provided with captions.
You should also prepare some copies of each poster in A4 format (in black and white) for distribution during the conference.
If possible authors are invited to participate for the entire duration of the conference.

Abstracts of the posters (maximum 500 words and 3 pictures) will be selected by the Scientific Committee and will be chosen on the basis of their relevance to the theme of the conference.

House Museums participating in this section may submit their proposal by November 10, 2011 at the following email address:

Abstracts of the selected posters submitted in pdf format will be published in the Conference Proceedings.

Organizing Committee

Fondazione Ranieri di Sorbello – Ruggero Ranieri; Claudia Pazzini; Isabella Vitelli, Associazione Dimore Storiche Italiane – Sezione Umbria – Clara Lucattelli Caucci Von Saucken, Comune di Perugia – Marina Bon Valsassina,
Direzione Regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici dell’Umbria-Francesco Scoppola,
Regione Umbria – Antonella Pinna,
University of Perugia – Dip. di Scienze Umane e della Formazione – Francesco F. Mancini,
University of Perugia – Dip. Uomo e Territorio – Laura Teza.

Scientific Committee

Helen Rees Leahy, Director of the Museology Dept., University of Manchester
Stefano Papetti, Museology Professor, University of Camerino

Fondazione Ranieri di Sorbello
Piazza Piccinino, 9 – 06122 Perugia – Italy
Telefono: +39 075 5732775 – 075 5724869 – Fax: +39 075 5726227